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Robert Bersson

Robert Bersson was born in Hawaii and grew up in New York. Formerly a JMU professor of art, he is a visual artist, musician, and writer. The artwork in his exhibition comes from two different periods of his life. The small drawings and paintings were done between the mid-1990s and 2006 and focus initially on Harrisonburg scenes. Later works feature landscapes near his present home in Rockingham County west of Dayton. Other drawings derive from scenes viewed from a rooftop in Florence, Italy. These works embody a “less is more” aesthetic, a minimalism that encourages the viewer to imaginatively fill in the blanks.

Bob Bersson’s second body of work was created between 2020 and 2022. It consists of paintings executed in enamel spray, a process that brings together painting, printmaking, and photography. Inspired by forms from nature, the works aspire to beauty and mystery.

Two of Robert Bersson’s books, Stripes and Stars and Better with Age: Creativity, Discovery & Surprise, are in OASIS’s book section. Check them out!

OASIS Fine Art & Craft


103 S. Main St.

Harrisonburg, VA 22801







Sunday – Thursday 11 - 5

Friday – Saturday 10 - 5



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